“Transylvanian Week” is a yearly short residency open to any artist under 35 from
any artistic field and is organized by Romanian art organization ‘Artfest Cultural Association’.
The residency takes place every year. It is an opportunity to focus on
your proposed work but also to meet worldwide and Romanian artists, to open up an international
dialogue and to discover the beauty of the landscape, culture and people.
In 2006 the participants have met, between July 25 to 31, in southern part of Transylvania,
in Brasov county, and experienced the pre-industrial landscape patterns from surroundings and
locals’ views about history and “contemporary changes in their lives”. They visited the
region, the villages and the Bran (‘Dracula’) castle, Rasnov fortress but also participated
at Sighisoara Medieval Arts Festival.
They have used this background to stimulate their creative skills and express artistically their
seven days experience in contemporary items they are used with.
Some of their feedback you can see on this web site due to Pro-Helvetia Foundation.